"At the center of your being you have the answer. You know who you are and you know what you want." ~ Lao Tzu
On New Year's Eve there is a global energy focused on closing the door, honoring and celebrating the past year. We experience a transition of magnitude; an ending and a beginning, a measure of time, and a crossing of an invisible border. Never before have we been so interested in the personal transformation a New Year affords us.
Though I appreciate the many processes, powerful questions, and ideas about how to make the "most of this opportunity", I remind myself of what has worked for me for almost half my life ~ Keep it simple and heart centered!
For me the simplicity lies in "focusing within" and listening for the direction and discipline of my own wisdom. In lyrics from Jana Stanfield:
"I listen for the whisper...deep down inside.
Listen for the whisper...a strong but gentle guide.
With a thousand different voices...ringing in my ear
I listen for the whisper...that only the heart can hear."
My messages or answers always come when I get quiet and ask! I know my thoughts and what I feel about my thoughts, create my reality. I know that I must let go of something to create space for receiving something new. And I know the Law of Attraction will always bring to me ~ more of what I emanate energetically~ regardless of my awareness.
So I offer my New Year's resolution/transformation process: I ask myself...
What am I to let go of that is no longer serving me?
What is it that I DO want?
How can I acknowledge my gratitude for receiving it?
The first question allows us to identify and release something we no longer need, something that limits us or has kept us stuck. The second question clarifies and acknowledges a truth, a direction and a decision to establish something new.
And the third question requires we take action. Our answer reverberates with affirmation. We co-create with the Universe, making so, that which we now attract to us!
Here is one of my resolutions/transformations for this year:
What am I to let go of that is no longer serving me?
the need to doubt and criticize myself
What is it I do want?
approval, confidence, acceptance
How can I acknowledge my gratitude for receiving it?
(I create an affirmation that is present, positive, and personal.)
"Today I live in confidence and peace. I move forward with courage and gratitude for all that I receive."
Look at the areas of your Life to see where you would like to change something. Choose one aspect to focus on at a time. Close your eyes and Breathe. Listen for your answers that come. Trust, take action, and Celebrate! For so it is. . .