“I’ve learned that it’s okay to be afraid.
And what’s more, it’s okay to seek greatness.
That does not make me a black hole seeking attention.
It makes me a supernova.”
As we lean into our 2nd year with the COVID pandemic, many of us still experience levels of isolation, fear, and loss. Some question their faith that we can and will somehow emerge in health, hope, and possibilities.
We wonder if we’ll ever again know- the joy of freedom and connection.
The recent buzz words I’ve been hearing are all about re-entry, or to be specific, the anxiety of re-entry. It’s as if the extreme stress and oppression of the pandemic has not been enough for us.
We begin now to move out into the world, to rekindle some of our old associations, and to flirt with familiar haunts and activities.
Yet who are we as we emerge? Certainly each of us has changed…
Some of us have been sanded down, still feeling a bit rough around the edges, we are diminished in overall stature. Others have found new pieces of themselves and have carefully crafted new realities to step into.
As I make way to re-enter the stream of Life outside of my own domain, I reflect on the lessons I’ve learned because of the pandemic…
“I’ve learned that it’s okay to be afraid.”
Making it okay for me to feel afraid shifts the habit of self-judgement.
Giving permission allows me to be compassionate with myself and with other feelings I’ve deemed unacceptable in the past.
With each conscious acceptance of a piece of me, I grow to appreciate the lightness and freedom that comes from it.
“And what’s more, it’s okay to seek greatness.”
I can choose to re-enter in solidarity with my internal truth.
I can give myself that much needed pep talk each time I boldly pounce into unfamiliar territory.
I can recognize that my Life exists in the here and now and there’s really no one watching!
“That does not make me a black hole seeking attention.”
I have felt like a black hole before. Feigning invisibility, a hollow shell.
Desperately seeking approval from others. Hiding in the dark, feeling disconnected.
Eckhart Tolle reminds me, “The ego creates the separation, and separation creates suffering.”
“It makes me a supernova.”
A star that bursts forth its brightness in reaction to a catastrophic explosion -that ejects its heavy energy and old identity.
I deliberately wipe out the weeds of my consciousness, cease negative thinking, and dissolve any harbored resentments.
When I break free of my entanglements I shine brightly and give freely!
Though darkness and pain continue to plague our worlds underbelly, I trust that a new dawn is on our horizon. I trust in the peaceful light that lays calm in the passing of our raging storm.
I trust in humankind to remember our connection, to embrace our re-entry, and to bring with us, the very best we have to offer.
How do you bring the best of you to embrace your re-entry?
*** Quote from Amanda Gorman -The Rise and Rise of Amanda Gorman, written by Doreen St. Felix, photographed by Annie Leibovitz April 7, 2021, in VOGUE Magazine.
This re-entry business can be tricky. Holding ourselves in courage and confidence can make this transition less challenging. You don’t have to make your way alone. Let me be your partner to help you realign with your path, power, and purpose!
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