February is the Month of LOVE


For some, observing this holiday can trigger depression or resentment, as we look outside of ourselves ~ for Love. As long as we hold on to any resentment, we deny ourselves our ability to receive love or to be loving. 

Think about someone in your Life (it could be you) that you have been harboring resentment toward. There may be several, yet focus on the first person that comes to mind.

What specifically about them do you feel resentful? How long have you felt this way? Did these feelings originate with this person or have they been suppressed in you for a long time? Your answers may surprise you.

The origin of resentment is to "re-feel", a continuous re-feeling of an emotionally disturbing experience felt over and over again or relived in the mind. When we feel resentment toward another it can be identified in negative emotions such as anger or spite. Resentment toward ourselves expresses itself in bitterness and remorse.

If you were able to forgive this person, how might that make you feel? 

What would change as a result of your forgiving them?


To forgive...is to set a prisoner free

and discover that the prisoner was you.

~Lewis B. Smedes


Forgiving frees us from the past. It frees us from our limited thinking and false beliefs. When we forgive ourselves and others, it unlocks the chains that bind our hearts. Forgiveness allows us to reconnect with ourselves, to the light and love of who we are.

FORGIVENESS is our pathway to LOVE

LOVE is a state of being.

Right here. Right now, in the present moment ...

where LOVE resides.