Holiday Presence
“If you are wondering when is the best time to make a
change in your Life, remind yourself ~ any NOW will do.”
As December unfolds Christmas and our holiday celebrations many hearts will soften and pause in reflection.
Some of us will renew our resolve to be more loving, to forgive more readily and to live with greater tolerance and compassion.
And some will begin to review the passing of another year, and with this year end, the passing of a decade.
Will we be kind and loving as we examine our successes and analyze our shortcomings?
This is a great time of year for going within, for hibernation, for a Winters’ rest.
During introspection we rekindle the power that comes from our inner dialogue. By asking ourselves questions we open a conduit that allows our true selves to answer.
I’ve learned through contemplation the gifts of clarity, focus and direction can come. Insightful bold messages can surface that challenge me to wake up. And in this new state of awareness I feel fortified to make my important changes now!
It is now where we reconnect with our true path, engage our innate power, and shift our focus to realign with our Divine purpose.
Here is an exercise I use that helps me with my year end process. I invite you to join me by asking yourself these 5 simple (tho not easy) questions. Perhaps like me - you’ll want to record your answers in a journal you keep.
Ask yourself aloud, one question at a time. Remember to Breathe. Allow your answers to flow out with your exhales. Celebrate your discoveries!