My Part is Love
“Do not be daunted by the enormity
of the world’s grief.
Do justly, now. Love mercy, now.
Walk humbly, now.
You are not obligated to complete the work,
but neither are you free to abandon it. ”
Last year my yoga teacher and treasured friend shared this inspiration at the beginning of a yoga practice. At the time it caught my attention. I knew it was important.
Now I know why.
Our world and everything we’ve known is in flux, in transformation. Each morning we are invited to consider what is no longer working or necessary and what new path we might embrace.
Many of us have been forced to drop out of the unsustainable pace we were living in. Perhaps we’ve been quarantined from ourselves and the reckless way we may have choked Life out of each day.
The Earth’s Life force has begun to surge again as humanity’s rampage and abuse subsides. In some ways, this global upheaval could represent her last attempt to capture our attention, to beg for mercy.
Daily I seek my spiritual Truth. I am aware that both the world and the ground beneath me, appear to lurch and roll beyond my control.
This is what I know today…
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief.
Our collective loss is unfathomable! Not only of human Life, but loss of routines, systems, identities and beliefs that use to provide us our framework to function.
Focusing on media updates of our pandemic catastrophe can make us feel inundated, intimidated, and powerless. We must bring our attention back to our own feelings of loss and sadness where we can acknowledge and heal from the inside, out.
Do justly, now.
The virus has given us a universal opportunity to create a new norm of equality and fairness. It has exposed our cultural myth that unique means divided.
We are free and responsible to act authentically, do what we believe is right, and unify our efforts for the greatest good for all.
Love mercy, now.
Compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and love, a mission performed out of a desire to relieve suffering…
We look for ways to demonstrate our mercy in every opportunity that Life presents to us.
Walk humbly now.
Let’s check in to see where we may be arrogant or less than respectful in our relationships with Mother Earth and others. Where do we show up in our fear rather than with our assertiveness?
As I shift my focus from me and my own self-importance - I see how to walk humbly in the privilege of Life, health, and belonging. I recognize my power to choose my own response to every interaction before me.
You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Just as was true for our parents, generations, and ancestors before us, no one singular group can possibly realign our human course to heal, survive, and thrive.
Yet when each of us take a stand within our own human-ness to contribute our gifts, strengths, and Truth, we collectively hold in motion the direction of our intentions and the power of our love.