Recognize the Tipping Point


Growing up in Colorado, August 1st meant we had one more month of summer vacation to enjoy. Those were the days when the school year started the day after Labor Day and most stores, except for some gas stations, were closed on Sundays.

Today, the beginning of August marks the tipping point; that place where summer with it's relaxed schedules and attitudes, dramatically shifts to a focus on fall, re-establishing routines and disciplines, and preparing for the new school year, just days away. 

As I reflect on the passing summer, I acknowledge the sweetness of my time spent with family and friends, riding my horse, and enjoying our puppy. Spending time communing with nature, at Evergreen lake and around this beautiful community, kept my spirits lifted and my heart, grateful.  

This summer I focused on taking care of me. I paid attention to my intuition and sought new resources to support my health. I also enjoyed supporting and celebrating victories with my clients and creating a new program to implement this fall.

The Art of Extreme Self CareTransform Your Life One Month at a Time, is based on the book by Cheryl Richardson. Twelve monthly workshops and tele-courses are offered- augmented with a monthly 60 minute personal Coaching session. I am very excited about sharing this new adventure that has been in the works for the past 18 months. Please watch for details and a registration announcement coming next week! 

Take a moment to reflect upon your summer:

  • What highlights will you remember from the summer of 2014?
  • Did you meet any new people that were significant?
  • Were you successful at learning something new?
  • Where did you contribute?
  • Did you make any important decisions about your Life?
  • How did you demonstrate taking personal responsibility?
  • What desires do you want to implement this fall?