“Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential
to turn a Life around.
I was a sophomore at the University of Northern Colorado when first I heard of Leo Buscaglia. There were flyers around campus announcing that “Dr Love” would be making a special presentation.
My friends and I waited in the long line. We inched along toward the Student Union. We were intrigued by this Dr Love. No one knew what to expect but we were buzzing with anticipation.
Once he walked on stage and began to speak the crowd grew quiet and the auditorium took on a vibrant new energy.
I felt suspended in time as he shared his message. He talked of the beauty and gifts inherent in each interaction we encounter in our lives.
He invited us to be present with each other. To consider that each person’s path we cross is Divinely guided. Each of us bears the gift of love or the hollow hunger for it.
As Dr Buscaglia continued, I felt a warm and full opening of my heart. I was eager to create my own process for exchanging love and light with others.
At the end of his sharing, he invited anyone who was interested to come forward to share a hug.
Again I found myself inching my way forward as hundreds responded to his invitation. The line snaked around the auditorium as each person stepped forward in the sacred procession.
This time the energy of the crowd felt differently. No one expressed impatience. And although some chatted quietly, many including me, were quiet. Patiently almost reverently we anticipated receiving our own hug from Dr Love.
At last it was my turn!
Dr Love and I embraced without motive or embarrassment. The memory of the connection and unconditional love I experienced then, still warms my heart almost 50 years later. . .
Have you ever experienced such profound enlightenment when meeting someone new for the first time? Someone whose powerful influence helps you to make an obvious shift in your thinking, beliefs and understanding?
Such was my experience that day!
I believe each of us down deep want our lives to matter, to mean something, to make a difference! We want to contribute something good to the world.
Not only because it makes us feel good to acknowledge and serve others but perhaps because that is why we are here in the first place.
Now more than ever the world needs our love. Our families and friends need our love. Our communities, leaders, plants and animals need our love. Mother Earth desperately needs our love!
The darkness fueled by ill will and suffering, shows up as a formidable foe. It’s immense energy can wind through our thoughts and lives choking out hope and our ability to see the light.
When those thoughts of power-less-ness seem to prevail, I invite you to remember the truth of Dr Leo Buscaglia’s message.
I remind you of Mother Teresa’s words that our simple loving gestures do matter. That those small acts of kindness we share with each other sends a ripple of Love throughout the world .
“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of Love,
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
“We cannot do great things. Only small things with great love.”