Free Yourself

Free Yourself

Freedom is a manifestation of the process of change. It is a concept that recognizes our experience when we have released something we don’t want. 

Yet many of us resist letting go of anything familiar, no matter how oppressive it might be. Freedom comes when we let go of believing we are restricted.

A New World

A New World

I believe people come into our lives on purpose. They cross our paths with purpose. Each brings something for us ~ some lesson or opportunity to crack open something new within us. 

Our six month Soul Sisters Journey comes to an end this month. We meet one last time during the warmth of June to acknowledge the journey we’ve traveled together and the rich gifts we’ve received because of our collective contribution.

Own Your Original Medicine

Own Your Original Medicine

We all have experiences in our lives that dramatically shift our path and enrich our Life as we understand it. There are those people who touch us in a way that change us forever and events that wake us up to a new connection with ourselves.

Release to Heal

Release to Heal

This week I celebrated my 28th year of Life without alcohol or drugs. Sobriety has been my second chance to choose to live daily ~ present, responsible, and free.

An invitation also arrived this week to celebrate Louise Hay’s 90th birthday October 8th, in San Diego.  This is one Life Celebration I won’t miss. Being introduced to her courage, light and love in the early 80’s forever changed me and my Life.

The Ease of Celebration

The Ease of Celebration

Life is meant to to be enjoyed and the real gifts come to us every day without asking. To be able to just receive and enjoy the experience is truly the intention of the giver, Mother Earth.

The month of May is considered to be the last month of spring. It carries the expression of possibility. For me, May is the month when I acknowledge the biggest anniversaries of my Life.