False Sense of Security

jani new car

"It takes a lot of COURAGE to release the familiar 

and seemingly secure to embrace the new,

but there is no security in what is no longer meaningful. 

There is more security in the adventurous and exciting

for in movement, there is Life and in change, there is Power!"

~ Alex Cohen 

Most of us can relate to something we are accustom to that has lost its appeal or element of satisfaction.  We feel indifferent about it, ignore it, or even complain about it. Yet, the thought of making a change or trying something new sends us into a mini panic, or at the very least, out of our comfort zone.

Last week I took my Jeep Overland into AutoNation for a maintenance service appointment. The Overland is spacious, powerful, and luxurious. It has a unique feature that allows the entire vehicle to lower itself down to car height for ease in getting in and out. It was a perfect vehicle for transporting my Father and convenient for loading his walker, wheelchair or groceries. It is a solid, heavy vehicle that delivers a smooth, quiet ride. He loved it and with him, so did I.

Yet the past several months, I've had some different thoughts about my Jeep.  While I'm grateful to have it, it doesn't fit in so well with trips to the barn, local jaunts, or in cramped parking lots.  After celebrating my 60th birthday last year, I felt kind of old and sedate touring around in this big vehicle.  And since my Father died, some of the very features that made this jeep so special to me, no longer have meaning or are important.

So while I waited at the dealership, John Urban, my favorite salesperson, gave me a closer look at the new Jeeps I'd noticed around town.  They have a distinct new look; sportier and definitely cool.

John introduced me to the Jeep Trail Hawk and as we took it for a spin, something inside of me awakened. Though unfamiliar, I immediately appreciated the more rugged ride and connection to the road. This new "drive" tickled my fancy and released a dormant energy.  This was FUN! 

When circumstances are right for us, things progress and flow in a supportive manner. By late afternoon, feeling a bit timid yet excited, I drove my new Trail Hawk home. 

I awoke the next morning feeling sick and disoriented and almost afraid to look in the garage.  Sitting with Bryan at the kitchen table, I began to list the reasons for contemplating its return.  After patiently listening to me justify my feelings, he asked me one simple question.  "In one sentence, Jani, what is the specific reason you don't like the car?"

His question helped me to zero in on my thoughts and feelings. There wasn't anything I didn't like about the Trail Hawk. I hadn't had it long enough to even know how I felt about it.  It was something else.  I felt vulnerable.  I felt insecure.  And though this new path had called to me, I felt afraid and undeserving of this new freedom. There was a tug of remorse, almost regret, at having left my Overland behind.

A bit beside myself I decided to go to my office and let go of needing to make any decision for now.  I allowed myself to just be with it, park it and get focused on my first appointment.  A couple of times during the day I looked out over the parking lot from the third floor, just to check in on my new vehicle and to insure it was alright. It looked good out there.

As I walked out to the Jeep at the end of the day, I noticed a new energy in my step and an eager anticipation at driving it again. Snapping my seat belt, I knew my decision was made.  There would be no turning back!                     

Indeed, that evening I experienced new excitement and enthusiasm as I sped around the lake in my sporty little Trail Hawk.  I found myself smiling from ear to ear.  In one ultimate moment, I celebrated my new sense of power ~when I joined Katy Perry at the top of my lungs, with "your gonna hear me ROAR...."


Courage to Change

god grant me

The actual origin of this prayer continues to be debated although many attribute it to Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr. Historical origins and versions date back to Boethius, a roman philosopher, (480-524 AD), distribution during World War II to the U.S.O. and in the early 40's, it was embraced as a recovery dogma by Alcoholics Anonymous.

This shortened version is the familiar message I grew up with in our family home. My Mother had a small wooden plaque of the Serenity Prayer she kept on the window sill of our kitchen. She would recite the prayer whenever a situation called for it.

I gave my Mother a cross stitch of the Serenity Prayer for Christmas in 1982. I remember experiencing pride and humility as she received my gift, especially as it had taken me over 8 years to finish!  Six years later I embarked on a new personal relationship with it's powerful guidance.

Last Monday, we honored and celebrated Martin Luther King Jr., "a man who brought hope and healing to America." Of the many precious values and lessons Dr King entrusted us with, it was his profound courage that continues to inspire me today.

It is easy to observe courage and acknowledge great bravery in the Heroes and leaders of our time. Yet, what about the every day Courage that exists within each of us? How and where in your Life, do you demonstrate your courage? 

Accepting what we cannot change frees us from unnecessary burdens. Asking for courage to change what is ours, challenges us to take  personal responsibility and action!

And it is our inner wisdom
when we stop long enough to listen, 
that clarifies for us, exactly
~ which path we are to take!

Co-Create Your New Year

sunset illuminate

"At the center of your being you have the answer. You know who you are and you know what you want." ~ Lao Tzu 

On New Year's Eve there is a global energy focused on closing the door, honoring and celebrating the past year. We experience a transition of magnitude; an ending and a beginning, a measure of time, and a crossing of an invisible border.  Never before have we been so interested in the personal transformation a New Year affords us.

Though I appreciate the many processes, powerful questions, and ideas about how to make the "most of this opportunity", I remind myself of what has worked for me for almost half my life ~ Keep it simple and heart centered!

For me the simplicity lies in "focusing within" and listening for the direction and discipline of my own wisdom. In lyrics from Jana Stanfield: 

"I listen for the whisper...deep down inside. 

Listen for the whisper...a strong but gentle guide.  

With a thousand different voices...ringing in my ear 

I listen for the whisper...that only the heart can hear."

My messages or answers always come when I get quiet and ask!  I know my thoughts and what I feel about my thoughts, create my reality. I know that I must let go of something to create space for receiving something new. And I know the Law of Attraction will always bring to me ~ more of what I emanate energetically~ regardless of my awareness.

So I offer my New Year's resolution/transformation process: I ask myself...

What am I to let go of that is no longer serving me?

What is it that I DO want?

How can I acknowledge my gratitude for receiving it?

The first question allows us to identify and release something we no longer need, something that limits us or has kept us stuck. The second question clarifies and acknowledges a truth, a direction and a decision to establish something new.
 And the third question requires we take action. Our answer reverberates with affirmation. We co-create with the Universe, making so, that which we now attract to us! 

Here is one of my resolutions/transformations for this year:

What am I to let go of that is no longer serving me?

the need to doubt and criticize myself 

What is it I do want?

approval, confidence, acceptance

How can I acknowledge my gratitude for receiving it?

(I create an affirmation that is present, positive, and personal.)

"Today I live in confidence and peace.  I move forward with courage and gratitude for all that I receive."

Look at the areas of your Life to see where you would like to change something.  Choose one aspect to focus on at a time. Close your eyes and Breathe. Listen for your answers that come. Trust, take action, and Celebrate!  For so it is. . .

Through the Eyes of a Child

child clouds

Oh holy night!

The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of the dear

Savior's birth!

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till he appear'd and the Soul  

felt its worth...

When I was growing up, Christmas Eve was a magical time filled with awe, reverence, family, & Love.

I have memories of wrapping canned foods, toys, socks, and toiletries in white tissue paper and then taking seriously, my job of  insuring the scotch tape held.  Together with other families, we laid these gifts at the nativity scene, which was reenacted by some of our friends while the church choir sang "O holy night!

I loved seeing Mary and Joseph, dressed in sheets, kneeling over baby Jesus.  The year we had a real donkey was especially exciting for me.

It was a special time because our family was together.

I remember sensing a seriousness in the joy and the celebration of attending candlelight service together. We sat together in the dimly lit church, listening to the Christmas story, singing carols from memory and passing the "light of the world".

I knew I was part of something grand and wonderful!

Even as a young child, I envisioned a global sharing of this Peace, Love and Light. The quiet and serenity of Silent Night cradled the world.

Children have a way of keeping life real.  For these natural sensory receptors, Christmas is an experiential event of innocence and wonder. Humbled in their youthful focus and unlimited imagination, children easily receive Christmas.

A child isn't burdened by the weight of daily responsibilities, haunted by replaying past memories, or obsessing how a future event might turn out. Children don't focus on how everyone else might be feeling or whether or not they "have done enough" to warrant participation.

Jesus taught us that we are all God's children. Each of us, by nature, is a part of God and all that God is.... Babies bring to us the essence and promise of Life; our connection and relationship to God's infinite Peace, Joy and Love.

I am reminded of a story about a little boy whose family was blessed with a baby girl.  Several times a day this big brother would stand quietly at the side of her crib, focused intently on his sister, as if listening.

One time while watching from behind the door, his parents overheard him whisper, 

"Please sister, tell me again about God. I am starting to forget and I want to remember." 

In your rituals and celebration this Christmas, 

May your hearts and your homes be filled with Love, 

And on this holy night,

May you know the magic and true Spirit of Christmas, 

as seen through the eyes of a child...


Now is the Best Time!

pines at sunset

"If you are wondering when is the best time to make a change in your Life, remind yourself - any NOW will do."  

~ Robert Holden, Shift Happens!

As December makes its way toward Christmas and the celebration of our savior's birth; many hearts will soften and pause in reflection.  Some will renew their resolve to be more loving, to forgive more readily and to live with greater tolerance and compassion.

And some of us begin to review the ending of another year. We assess our success or analyze where we believe we have fallen short in some way.  

This is also a time for going within, for hibernation, for Winters rest.

Settling into contemplation, we rekindle that inner dialogue with ourselves.

This experience may be uncomfortable for those who have been complacent.  The general direction of this conversation can be more revealing than we're ready for!  

Still, it is in these times of introspection where we receive our gifts of clarity and direction. Our bold message challenges us to wake up, to heed its truth, to make new choices and to take responsible action!

So just for today, I invite you to consider:  

What habit or behavior are you ready to let go of? 

What is it that you want more of  in your Life?

What have you been ignoring or running away from?

What could you do differently to Celebrate your Life?

And when you show up next year. . .Who do you want to be?